About Us


Cloud 9 is an innovation consulting and training company founded in 2015 by Ms. Sarah Al Shemmari. Our expertise and resources help an organization perform at its best, thus becoming where happiness happens. Using the smart trainings and consultations services, our learning and development consultants combine strategic insight with tactical know-how to maintain momentum on projects, goals, and initiatives.

Cloud 9 has managed to penetrate the international market, providing its services to both, private and governmental sector, helping them develop their internal structures, innovation culture and creative processes.



We explore innovative approaches for an effective outcomes.

Critical Thinking

We look at problems in a new way, linking across all subjects & disciplines.


We share thoughts, ideas, and solutions.


We work together to reach a goal-putting talent, expertise and smart work.

Empowering our clients to achieve their targets by unlocking on their full-potential.


The pioneer in leveling-up our clients with innovative solutions.

Core Values

Innovation, Creativity, Integrity, Transparency, Trust, Communication, Collaboration, Respect.


In a multitude of services, products and organizations, we strive to stand out in the market using our creative and futuristic style. Cloud 9 has managed to build a well-structured international path in the training and consultancy community. It has displayed full perseverance in accomplishing what’s best for the client and his target. Our cultivated and innovative expertise has resulted in setting a professional array of business with ultimate clientele satisfaction all above industry standard benchmarks.

About the Founder

Sara Farhan AlShemmari is a Kuwaiti ABNLP practitioner since 2010. She received her bachelor degree in Kuwait University, faculty of Science majoring in microbiology. After graduating she had worked in numerous places gaining many experiences and knowledge.

Her first job was in the Gulf Bank’s call centre, then she worked in the Commercial Bank dealing with customers and opening accounts. After the Bank, she worked for Hamad AlWazzan Companies as a public relation coordinator. Continuing in the PR field she worked for the Gulf Real Estate as a Senior PR & Marketing specialist as well as Senior Customer service specialist. Aside of her Career she has been working on getting certificates and awards.

She is a master practitioner in Time Line Therapy (ABTLT) and a certified trainer in hypnosis and time management and certified trainer by ISTD and MEG. Also, she finalized the certified counselor training course on 2015.  Sara has held a training course in 2011 by the name of “Release Yourself” with AlHareer Institute. She is also did training courses for private sectors and government sectors.

In 2012 Sara was in Cornell University for National Project for leaders of development program also known as “Thukhur”. In the past, Sara has voluntarily lectured in P2BK (Proud to Be Kuwaiti) about self development. P2BK is an annual forum which Sara had a big role in, for two years since 2009. She has handled the Media committee and the PR & Marketing committee where she created the marketing plan for P2BK’s 3rd event. She was also responsible for organizing the final ceremony and organizing the coordination between the committees. Her excellent Arabic and English language abilities enabled her to succeed in the field of PR and customer service.

Voluntary work is an essential part of Sara’s life where she volunteered in Himam Consortium by helping in creating a marketing plan and creating a 3D documentary movie.

In 2007 Sara founded Unique Magazine and became the assistant managing editor of the magazine for two years. The amount of effort Sara has put made her knowledgeable and able to handle difficult situations. The past experience also enhanced her teamwork and leadership skills. Having a dynamic life full of activities Sara still has the capabilities to work under pressure.

Today Sara works as self development trainer specialized in how to communicate with customer in a different way (customer service) and she is able to give more than ever before.

Sara also coordinates with Kuwait institute for scientific researches (KISR) for summer classes and she introduced “The 7 Habits for effective people”, “SMART GOALS” and workshops with INJAZ to prepare youth for business life.